Diary of a Sofa Bear

Yesterday was Chemo 3 so I duly went off to the hospital and got plugged in to the chemo machine. I was also given the usual package of anti sickness meds, (all thanks and praise to whomever made these) steroids,  antacid and mouth wash and the dreaded Zarzio which has to be injected every day for 7 days.  I say dreaded, because no mention was made of these injections in the pre-chemo talks, and, it turns out, I am not good with needles.  Imagine then, my delight, when I found out that Zarzio is an integral part of treatment because it encourages white cell growth and staves off the dreaded neutropenia which no one wants.  Imagine too, my reaction when I was told this injection is to be self-administered!  Aghhh!

Well, the last two rounds I couldn’t cope with that so I had the wonderful District/Community nurses come in every day to give the injection, but I must admit, although I was very grateful, I also felt a bit guilty about using their time, SO this time,I determined to bite the bullet and do it myself.

Drum roll please…… yes!  I did it.  This morning I administered my very first injection. It was easier than I thought and didn’t hurt a bit.

Now it’s back to the routine of the chemo cycle, which for me means short bouts of activity and lots of time lying on the sofa, (hence sofa bear), listening to Radio 4.  I leave the audio books until later in the cycle as I have a tendency to keep dropping off to sleep and so missing integral bits of the story.

Hope all is well with you and yours and that you had a good Bank Holiday.
